Compulsory vaccination was first introduced in the UK – where no vaccines are currently mandated – through the 1853 Vaccination Act. The law required that all children ‘whose health permits’ be vaccinated against smallpox, and obliged physicians to certify that vaccination had taken place. Parents who refused vaccination could be fined £1.
Since then, vaccine mandates have evolved to include a variety of incentives and penalties. In some US states, children cannot access public schools without being vaccinated; in Australia, compliance with childhood immunisation schedules has been linked to pre-school admission (‘No jab, no play’) and to family assistance payments (‘No jab, no pay’).
In most instances where vaccine mandates are in force, they apply only to childhood immunisation. However, vaccination is a condition of employment in some institutions – notably in healthcare facilities. This is not a legal mandate per se but is a form of discrimination accepted in several jurisdictions. In principle, mandates – like vaccines – can be for people of all ages.
The state of play in Europe
In Europe, the picture is mixed. A 2010 study of 27 EU countries (plus Iceland and Norway) found that 15 had no mandatory vaccines. In the meantime, Italy has added 10 vaccines to its list of compulsory vaccines; France and Romania are preparing new laws that would penalise parents of unvaccinated children; and Finland will introduce legislation in March 2018 that requires health and social care providers to ensure staff are immunised against measles, varicella, pertussis and influenza. The diversity of measures taken suggests no proven strategy exists that can be universally applied.
So, why is there a trend towards mandates and other legal instruments? Political science research on the value of international sanctions against rogue nations has found that while they are often ineffective, sanctions may give some satisfaction to the government implementing the rules. The same may apply to vaccine mandates. ‘Sanctions are often more about the sender than the recipient,’ says Dr Katie Attwell, University of Western Australia, ‘Maybe it’s more of an emotional experience for those who want to punish a country – or, in in the case of vaccinations, a citizen – that deviates from the norm.’
The impact of mandates in European countries has been assessed by the EU-funded ASSET project which found no clear link between vaccine uptake and mandatory vaccination. The report, which has been cited by the European Commission in response to questions from Members of the European Parliament states: ‘The enforcement of mandatory vaccinations does not appear to be relevant in determining childhood immunisation rate in the analysed countries. Those [countries] where a vaccination is mandatory do not usually reach better coverage than neighbour or similar countries where there is no legal obligation.’
ASSET experts have also argued that while mandatory vaccination might fix a short-term problem, it is not a long-term solution. Better organisation of health systems and strong communication strategies may prove more effective. ‘Mandatory vaccinations for both healthcare workers and the public can obtain a rapid improvement in immunisation rates, but in the end, have high costs, especially in term of litigation,’ says Dr Darina O’Flanagan, previous Director of Health Protection Surveillance Centre Ireland and a member of the Advisory Forum of the European Centre for Disease Control 2005-2016.
This is echoed by the EU Commissioner with responsibility for health, Dr Vytenis Andriukaitis ‘The legitimate goal of achieving the highest possible immunisation rates can be attained through less stringent policies, and most Member States prefer the adoption of ‘recommendation policies’ or else a mix of obligation/recommendation policies,’ according to EU Commissioner.
In the meantime, Italy – and by 2018, France and Romania – will be a real-world testbed for the implementation of broad vaccine mandates in the 21st century. Prof Pierluigi Lopalco, University of Pisa, says mandates may polarise public opinion. ‘Consider the Three Cs (Confidence, Complacency and Convenience),’ he says. ‘Mandates do not improve vaccine confidence; they make opposition to vaccination even stronger. However, they are a powerful way to break complacency and this new approach should make vaccination services more convenient and efficient.’
There is no one-size fits all approach to improving vaccine uptake. Some countries with mandates, such as Poland, have high vaccination rates; others, such as Finland, achieve similar results without mandates.
The real power of a mandate is not in coercing reluctant parents to vaccinate children against their will; it is in sending a signal to the wider population that vaccination is a vital part of public health. In this sense, the momentum generated by the debate on mandatory vaccination may have some positive effect. The risk, however, is that it will spark an anti-vaccine backlash equal to – or greater than – this positive signal. This risk would be amplified in cases where vaccine supply or access to vaccination services is not guaranteed, as has been the case in Romania.
A more promising move would be to invest in understanding the behavioural drivers of vaccine acceptance. Including this issue in the forthcoming EU Action Plan on Vaccination, due to be launched in 2018, would be a welcome initiative. In the meantime, it is essential that legislative changes be closely monitored in Italy, Romania, France and Finland – along with policy measures in Germany and other countries where mandates are not in place.
There may not be a silver bullet for vaccine hesitancy but research and sharing experiences are Europe’s best hope for controlling vaccine-preventable diseases.
December 4th, 2017
[…] As flu season gets underway, the UK’s National Health Service advised that child ‘super spreaders’ must be vaccinated in order to protect elderly relatives, and a review in NEJM discussed the need for a universal influenza vaccine. There were also calls for children to receive the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine following reports of cases in two UK cities. Meanwhile, Vaccines Today asked ‘does mandatory vaccination work in Europe?’ […]
March 21st, 2018
You won’t succeed in imposing mandatory vaccinations in Poland. No way it’ s gonna happen. We know it’s a global agenda
June 7th, 2018
We did succeeded. There are mandatory vaccinations in Poland. It happened and is happening. It is global agenda, like humanity, logic and common sense.
September 21st, 2018
No, it is gross abuse of power by the state.
Vaccination is not a straight forward matter, and there are thousands of children round the world who have been severely damaged by vaccines.
Compulsory vaccination is medication by force. Do similar to an adult, and you would be in court.
December 14th, 2018
Can you provide evidence that thousands of children around the world have been severely damaged by vaccines?
Heather Chang
March 6th, 2019
It would be possible to furnish such evidence but very time consuming.
March 12th, 2019
SIDS is a listed known adverse reaction to vaccination, but most post-mortem examinations do not include inquiries into testing on tissues which would conclusively answer the question of whether a particular SIDS death was related to a recent vaccination. Perhaps this inquiry should be mandatory in all SIDS deaths, and the results be made public, in order to ease the minds of people who fear vaccination. So that, while there does not currently exist any reliable tracking on vaccination deaths and injuries, this would begin that process.
April 30th, 2019
yes… simple research will do the trick
January 17th, 2021
I am one of those children and almost died.
March 8th, 2019
When you go study virology I’ll listen. You think you know a lot probably. I feel for you.
Jeroen Goudswaard
March 16th, 2019
There are millions of children that have died of MMR, DTP , hepatitis and tuberculosis. There are no known cases of death caused by vaccination.
August 12th, 2020
There are cases of people wanting to die after vaccinations though. There are people who develop Guillain Barre syndrome. Some young girls who have received the HPV “miracle” vaccine have lost their ability to walk and/or function. Many never even had sex.
Part of controlling infectious disease is proper hand-washing, not going out when ill, using common sense in covering coughs/sneezes, and not constantly shaking hands and such. Vaccines alone will not stop infections.
I don’t think you can say that no one has been harmed or died from a vaccine. How would you know?
Gary Finnegan
August 12th, 2020
I’m sorry Cheryl, but that rumour about the HPV vaccine has been investigated and turned out to be unfounded. As we note in this article, the concerns were understandable because of the timing of a rare illness that develops in adolescence – around the time people are offered the HPV vaccine. But, on closer inspection, it was clear that the number of people with this condition was the same before and after the introduction of the vaccine.
Today, HPV vaccines are used in more than 80 countries – the vaccines have been given to more than 80 million girls and women worldwide. The overwhelming evidence is that they are safe.
Meanwhile, the evidence continues to mount in favour of its effectiveness. Data from Public Health England shows a huge drop in cancer-causing abnormalities. This follows a study in Scotland which also showed a huge drop in cervical disease.
Experts are seriously talking now about eliminating cervical cancer in a generation.
Mariusz Sochacki
October 6th, 2018
Some vaccinations are compulsory for children in Poland. Not for adults. But it looks like even this regulation is going to be repealed in October 2018. Legislation project is already in parliament.
Magdalena Ferenc
November 9th, 2018
Some? Are you kidding? Most of them are compulsory.
April 30th, 2019
Vaccinations are already mandatory in Poland. Just saying….
October 13th, 2019
The Polish People have gone through so much historically and it sounds like they have learned from their history. It is great that you say the people see through this agenda and will not allow it. I wish them the best of luck keeping their country free!
November 15th, 2019
Correction: All Poles do not “know” it’s a “global agenda.” Some Poles THINK its a global agenda. Do you have the integrity to correct your statement?
June 25th, 2020
Hope not
November 21st, 2020
Great Poland, keep it like that.
April 4th, 2018
[…] […]
July 6th, 2018
I don’t understand why some vaccines are mandatory. Like Hepb at birth! HepB is transmitted like AIDS is transmitted. Blood, used needles or sexually. I don’t see newborns having these issues. By the time the child is nearing the sexually active stage in life, a booster is needed because the original vaccine only lasts about 10 years. I think we are over doing things and it could just be the reason you see so many Americans with autoimmune diseases. I can see the need for such vaccines like Polio or measles but it’s gotten out of hand in my opinion.
Jeroen Goudswaard
March 16th, 2019
A quick check on the Centre for Disease Control shows that HepB also transmits through saliva.
April 6th, 2019
Incorrect. Hep B is a blood born pathogen and “ is not spread through food or water, sharing eating utensils, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing, hand holding, coughing, or sneezing.”
April 10th, 2019
I think you read that wrong.
Anna Hoy
April 25th, 2019
Hello. Yes, it seems that certain vaccines like HepB could be given at later stage. However the HepB vaccination would also provide protection from HepD infection- a much nastier virus. I think ( I have no proof and haven’t researched the numbers) adding an extra vaccine to the current schedule is easier and more effective in term of numbers of vaccinated people.
I’m a scientist and a mum of 3- all kids were vaccinated and luckily no side effects. For me it is no brainier. Risk of serious side effect vs risk of child death due to the many diseases he/she could get when unvaccinated. When vaccination rates were high the risk of getting polio or measles were low but now? We had a case of measles and mumps in my daughter nursery- I was pregnant at the time- that was no fun!
Do compulsory vaccination work? Short term- probably, long term- not so sure. We need to educate people and provide them with reliable information.
May 13th, 2019
Problem with that is the people in the Anti-Vax Movement refuse to accept any information or facts that go against them. They have fully bought into the propaganda and they can’t be reasoned with
Mariusz Sochacki
October 6th, 2018
Compulsory vaccinations are nothing more than infringement on freedom of choice. Everyone has a right to decide if wan’t something done to their body or not. IF vaccinations are so critical then educate people and convince them that they should take them by presenting relevant research on how they help and what are the risks. No government has a right to decide for its citizens nor force them to do anything they don’t feel like doing. History teaches us that every service/product sharply drops in quality right after people no longer have choice if they gonna use it or not.
November 2nd, 2018
While vaccines do affect our rights, not getting them affects everyone around us. For instance, if you did not get the measles vaccine, and contract the measles, you may recover fine. However, while contagious you could have exposed a child too young to be vaccinated or a immunodeficient one to the disease. The fatally rate for immunodeficient people is up to 70%. Addressing your other point about gov’ts forcing people to do things they don’t want to do, that’s kinda the government’s job. Do you pay taxes? As for your last point, can you link some sources about products quality dropping?
January 9th, 2019
I couldn’t agree more Alec. Not immuniing against preventable disease is a purely selfish act and is a perfect example of how modern society has developed. If people want to retain their ‘freedom of choice’ that’s fine, either go and live in a different community of like minded people or face the consequences of not vaccinating.
If you refuse vaccines for preventable disease and fall ill, you should be held liable for the full cost of your treatment (all of it, wihout state assistance). If your child being ill can be tangibly linked to other children becoming ill that could not receive the vaccine (through allergies or other issues) you should be held fully liable for the cost of their treatment too. You should not be allowed to use public schools and nurseries etc for your children and should be back of the queue for any associated financial support from the government and when your children grow up, lets see how quicly they thank you for excluding them from certain career paths and limiting their educational options.
Vaccination are not just about protecting your indvidual child/children. It is about protecting the wider communities from entirely prevetnable disease! NIHCE and the medical professionals in the UK are the people that put their time, effort and knowledge to use protecting YOUR family. It is THEM that know what is best for the community as a WHOLE. if you don’t want to comply with that, find another community to live in. Simple.
February 21st, 2019
Wow. Lee and Alec, that is a very selfish perspective. You might as well ban cars because they are dangerous to others. How about legislate mandatory circumcision to prevent certain communicable diseases? How about mandatory castration to prevent rape? Sounds silly does it not? Well the CDC is not completely on-board with vaccines being 100% safe. The MMR, according to their website, can occasionally cause brain damage. Think on that for a while. A low percentage chance – sure. But what if it was your kid that was damaged? Do you want to live in a state where it is mandatory to “risk” brain damage? What if there was a problem with the batch used on your family? Of course there is never a problem with man made things. They are perfect.
Jeroen Goudswaard
March 16th, 2019
I also don’t want to “risk” living in a state where my newborns (who cannot be vaccinated yet) can easily catch a deadly disease. And die of it. This is what happened to 110000 children below the age of 5 worldwide in 2017, because of preventable measles.
March 27th, 2019
Dangerous driving behavior that leads to people getting killed like drunk driving is already banned. Your argument is a complete fallacy.
March 12th, 2019
Please elaborate on what should happen when vaccine injuries and deaths occur, or how it should be handled when a vaccinated person spreads disease (which occurs more often than your proposed scenario). These issues are not currently well recognized, and their effects not compensated for in a clear, transparent, and direct manner. Any force taken must also include these considerations.
Jeroen Goudswaard
March 16th, 2019
At this point in time it is hard for private daycare/schools/swimming pools etc to only accept vaccinated children. Usually this not allowed on grounds of religious freedom or anti-discrimination laws. Let’s start making this possible everywhere.
April 27th, 2019
You are widely misinformed about vaccination.
November 30th, 2021
I don’t agree. The unvaccinated pose no more danger than the vaccinated. They also pay medical insurance, so they should benefit from that.
March 12th, 2019
Any virus or bacteria could kill a completely immunosuppressed person, so I find issue in saying that a medical procedure with risks should be mandated in order to protect someone who could die from the common cold. I believe there are better and more effective ways to increase uptake, but using a minority of the population who rarely go out anyway as a reason doesn’t hold up well to argument.
Anna Housholder
March 28th, 2019
when asked to take a manditory shot, as Josey Wales said “I Recon NOT ” !
wendy rudd
April 28th, 2019
The research is there. A choice not to be vaccinated you say? Is it fair on children and family who either can die, or develop a severe disability because of someone else choice that could have been so easily prevented? Is it fair on the taxpayer to pay for the medical costs and long term care involved? Where’s my choice then?
James Oeming
November 15th, 2019
Saying compulsory vaccinations is an infringement on freedom of choice is like saying enforcing stop signs is an infringement on freedom of choice.
Do you think we should have the freedom of choice whether or not to obey stop signs?
November 21st, 2021
Absurd comparison. The stop sigh law does not apply to those who do not drive. The vaccine mandate applies to everyone that BREATHES. Driving is a priveledge that can be taken away, breathing is a right that cannot.
June 25th, 2020
Very true, a firm of bullying.
January 10th, 2019
[…] Gary Finnegan na łamach Vaccines Today, magazynu związanego z przemysłem farmaceutycznym, wskazuje, że sensowność przymusu jest wątpliwa. Badania wskazują, że nie istnieje żaden związek […]
January 25th, 2019
Lee you are payed by somebody? You are talking about free society, you speak like a nazi. You are insane? Do you really think institutions, government, medical systems care about you and your health? what age are you, 4? Knowledge about health and how to have a healthy body and mind and how and when to have kids, and to keep a baby healthy that is what you have to know. To be independent and not dependent of some “magical pill”. You have zero idea about the political and economical power of medical corporation and their purpose. Money is their purpose and not your health. Have you any idea of what being healthy is or how to achieve health? You should do your homework and change your life and your habits. If you cannot, other people can and they do not need your “help”. All the western world is just sick near death, and cannot live without being heavily dependent on pills, do search the statistics, mental health included? it is scary. How is that possible with so much “information”, “vaccinations”, “pills”, “specialists” ? Only the pharmaceutical industry is growing not the general health of population. You should check the statistics of health problems in western world and then you should check the evaluation of financial power of medical and pharmaceutical corporations.Then compare and then ask you again if really those strangers, money makers, really care about your baby.
Peggy Roupas
March 8th, 2019
Couldn’t agree more dumitru
Jeroen Goudswaard
March 16th, 2019
The measles vaccine prevented more than 20 million deaths in the 21st century (CDC). Provided for free by governments and produced at near cost by big pharma.
James Oeming
November 15th, 2019
Life expectancy has been going steadily upward worldwide for decades and decades. You appear to be unaware of this.
Marcia Judges
August 3rd, 2021
Dumitru you are absolutely right
Alan Poskitt
March 28th, 2019
Before 1963, measles was a benign childhood disease that has actual health benefits. Having measles not only results in life-long specific immunity to measles, but also in life-long non-specific immunity to degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, sebaceous skin diseases, immunoreactive diseases and certain tumors as demonstrated by Ronne (1985).
However, the minute the measles vaccine became “FDA approved” in 1963, measles not-so-mysteriously became a “deadly” disease.
Childhood diseases are easily treatable. Vaccine injuries (especially deaths)—not so much.
Gary Finnegan
April 2nd, 2019
This is simply not true.
Before the measles vaccine, the virus killed more than 2 million people per year globally. Today, this number is down thanks to vaccines and better management of cases. However, the disease still kills more than 100,000 people annually.
Measles was never a benign illness. Most people recover well; some do not.
Ramon Simpson
April 9th, 2019
“Before the measles vaccine…” What are you referring to, the Dark Ages? The reason why deaths go down has to do with people living with better hygiene, food and sanitation in other words a healthier life style. Funny how always the decrease of casualties is attributed to the introduction of vaccines. The number of deaths attributed to measles was already going down in the U.S. world before the vaccine was introduced (same with polio vaccine).
Here’s a nice excerpt from the National Vaccine Information Center:
“The CDC attributes the drop in reported measles cases and deaths in the U.S. to use of the measles vaccine beginning in the mid-1960’s, however, published measles morbidity and mortality data give evidence that death rates for measles had dropped significantly in the U.S. before the measles vaccine was introduced in 1963.”
Here’s the link for whomever wants to read it:
You will also find references in the article to the statistics that were researched to come to that conclusion. One is from the U.S Department of Health, Education and Welfare (887 pages).
Happy reading Gary.
Gary Finnegan
April 9th, 2019
Hi Ramon,
Hygiene and access to healthcare were reducing death rates in developed countries – but the disease was still circulating before the vaccine was introduced. When the vaccine came in, the decline in death rate accelerated because there were fewer cases. The level of misery and hospitalisation due to measles also fell.
@all: The ‘National Vaccine Info Center’ website linked above is a US-based anti-vaccine site, albeit one with a nice website and serious-sounding name.
August 7th, 2019
Thank you!!!! I want to shake everyone and tell them this.
Ramon Simpson
April 9th, 2019
Sorry Gary but you said “Today, this number is down thanks to vaccines…”.
That’s simply not true for the U.S. . It was already going down BEFORE the introduction of the vaccine.
Alan Poskitt was clearly referring to the U.S. and you decided to answering him by talking about global cases. That’s apples and pears. In underdeveloped nations casualties are still higher but that’s because there is less hygiene, sanitation and less healthy food, in short these people already have a weaker immune system because of a less healthy environment causing increasing risk of fatal casualties.
Also the fact that the link is from an anti vaccine site is irrelevant. They use official government data to come to their conclusion which you can check for yourself. Please tell me where their conclusion is flawed with references to their article and the sources they use. I’ll wait.
Gary Finnegan
April 11th, 2019
Ramon, I think you are conflating data about number of cases and number of deaths.
I agreed (it’s a fact) that number of deaths in the US, where you are, were falling for some of the reasons we’ve both stated before the vaccines arrived. But there were still lots of cases and outbreaks. It was vaccines that drove down the number of cases dramatically in developed countries. It even helped eliminate the disease in the Americas – something we never achieved here in Europe because vaccination rates were never quite high enough. If it were just a case of hygiene, healthcare, diets etc., Europe would have got there ahead of the Americas. Most US states wouldn’t have anything like the healthcare that Denmark or the Netherlands offers to all resident. And although I’ve never been, I doubt Central and South America could match Germany or Ireland on those scores.
Of course, the Americas success has been partly undermined by imported cases from Europe – a fact which should embarrass us greatly. It shows that if we drop our guard – i.e. let vaccination rates slide – outbreaks can recur even in the most modern cities and countries in the world.
Ramon Simpson
April 12th, 2019
I don’t understand you’re way of thinking. You agree that the numbers of deaths has decreased (by 98% between 1900 and 1963) BEFORE the vaccine was introduced in the USA in 1963 but you say that the amount of CASES did not.
I would say, who cares?
Measles is a CHILDHOOD disease. It’s not dangerous at all as long as people live in an environment with proper living conditions, nutrition and health care so in first world countries where people would have enough of a basis level of health it’s definitely NOT necessary to vaccinate.
I had measles without vaccination, was sick for a few days and I’m immune for life now! If measles is still a threat in other parts of the world all one needs to do is improve their living standards. That won’t make the measles go away of course (neither would vaccines, the insert actually says that side effects of the vaccine can be….measles) but it will not be life threatening. Children would be sick for a few days and afterwards be fine (and immune for life). I’m sure a lot of people still die of the flu in underdeveloped countries or the common cold, a cut on their finger or malnutrition just because their living standards are abysmal. That doesn’t mean we should vaccinate them for every little thing (although Big Pharma would probably be happy with that)
90,000 people die around the world from measles every year according to the WHO. Malnutrition especially vitamin A deficiency is the primary cause of death in those cases. In fact 75-92% of measles hospitalizations in the United States are also due to vitamin A deficiency. Even the CDC admits that before measles mass vaccination program was introduced, nearly everyone contracted measles and obtained lifetime immunity by age 15.
Also I would like to let you know that I lived most of my life in Europe, not the US, and have been living in Australia for the last 9 years. The above I found by just doing my own research WHICH I WOULD RECOMMEND EVERYONE TO DO.
I’m from the Netherlands originally, have lived there for 39 years in perfect health and have never been given a measles vaccine, nor chicken pox , mumps, rubella. Had all childhood diseases and am immune for life!
I’d say that today Western Europe is actually in better shape than the US with regards to health. Every time I visit the US, which I regularly do (I’m actually in the US while I type this), I cannot help but noticing the amount of medication people use. The fact that people from the US are the most obese probably also speaks volumes (38.2% of the adult population as per OECD). I find it ridiculous that a harmless childhood disease as measles needs to be “eradicated” when the vaccines that are supposed to treat them have side effects that are often worse than the disease they are supposed to prevent (again measles being one of them but also: anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid reactions, angioneurotic edema (including peripheral or facial edema), bronchial spasm, vasculitis, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, erythema multiforme, urticaria, rash, diarrhea, thrombocytopenia, purpura, regional lymphadenopathy, leukocytosis, the list goes on, please have a read:
The current “outbreak” the US currently has and the hysterical mass media making sure everybody notices is something that makes me shake my head every time I hear about it. It’s clear that news station’s biggest sponsors are the pharmaceutical industries. In 2014 the global vaccine market was worth over 32 billion dollars and was expected to reach over 59 billion by the year 2020 making it the number one source of profit for the industry.
This is about money and control and has nothing to do with health. People have a fully functioning immune system 6 months after birth. All one has to do is give it fuel with proper nutrition, exercise, hygiene and avoid stress. Let common sense prevail, not mass media hysteria.
August 7th, 2019
right on. I agree.
James Oeming
November 15th, 2019
Why can’t improved hygiene & food AND vaccines both be factors?
You are wishfully assuming that is just the former factor that is responsible for the decline in the incidence of measles..
The concept that there may be two factors at play is well within your intellectual ability to comprehend.
What may NOT be within your capabilities is emotionally accepting the clear possibility that you are wrong in insisting that vaccines played no part in the decline of the incidence of measles.
I suspect you do not have the emotional wherewithal to acknowledge that you may well be wrong.
Santa Claus
January 8th, 2021
Such an incredibly alienating and arrogant response! Vaccines clearly played a significant role in reducing the incidence of measles but why the need for all this posturing, huffing and puffing about “emotion” and intellectual ability? Unless the writer has a problem with their own self-esteem of course ….and is compelled to put others down?
May 3rd, 2019
[…] […]
May 21st, 2019
>You agree that the numbers of deaths has decreased (by 98% between 1900 and 1963) BEFORE the vaccine was introduced in the USA in 1963 but you say that the amount of CASES did not. I would say, who cares?
People who understand which statistic is important for the understanding of effectiveness of the vaccine, i.e. educated people.
>Measles is a CHILDHOOD disease. It’s not dangerous at all as long as people live in an environment with proper living conditions, nutrition and health care
Lies. It’s highly infectious, dangerous disease that can maim (multiple dangerous complications) and kill you. (1 per 1000 cases)
>I had measles without vaccination
Nobody cares about your story, anecdotes don’t matter at all in medicine.
>I’m sure a lot of people still die of the flu in underdeveloped countries or the common cold, a cut on their finger or malnutrition just because their living standards are abysmal. That doesn’t mean we should vaccinate them for every little thing (although Big Pharma would probably be happy with that)
People die of flu because they are not immunized, same with “cut on their finger”. (tetanus)
Yes, we should vaccinate people based on the local epidemiological status.
>I’d say that today Western Europe is actually in better shape than the US with regards to health
Of course, because of objective, measurable factors such as cost of medical care, accessibility and others which is no secret.
>I find it ridiculous that a harmless childhood disease as measles needs to be “eradicated” when the vaccines that are supposed to treat them have side effects that are often worse than the disease
Yes, it’s ridiculous to think that we should care about public health – absolutely.
The probability of any serious adverse effects is incomparable to the risks regarding complication after measles.
>The current “outbreak” the US currently has and the hysterical mass media making sure everybody notices is something that makes me shake my head every time I hear about it
Mass hysteria – you mean the mentioning of undeniable facts and personal choices that lead to this situation? Weird definitions you are using chap.
>This is about money and control and has nothing to do with health
This is indeed about money (vaccinating is cheaper than mass disease containment) and about control (of public health).
>All one has to do is give it fuel with proper nutrition, exercise, hygiene and avoid stress
Absolute denialist lies which nobody cares about, and no health system practices.
>Let common sense prevail, not mass media hysteria.
Indeed, let’s end the anti-vaccine propaganda and embrace evidence-based medicine.
May 29th, 2019
Thank you for writing this. I wholeheartedly agree.
jane mariouw
June 25th, 2019
there has never been a govt true placebo study done to prove vaccine safety. there has never been a govt. long term controlled vaxxed vs. unvaxxed study done to prove effectiveness.
death rates, then case numbers of all infectious diseases fell by 99% from 1900-1960 before vaccines were used. clean water, seeage and garbage systems plus better living standards and better nutrition were the reasons. not vaccines. look it up on govt statistics charts.
Gary Finnegan
June 25th, 2019
Hi Jane, thanks for your message. This comes up a lot but it is well explained here and here.
jane mariouw
July 6th, 2019
your first article was hyperbole.
the Kiggs study in Germany, the Mawson Homeschool study in USA, a private study in the Netherlands, Dr. Paul Thomass’ private study of his 3,000 plus patients in Oregon….. all show that the unvaccinated kids are much healthier and the vaccinated kids have much higher incidents of chronic auto immune and neurological diseases.
Gary Finnegan
July 8th, 2019
They really didn’t
July 24th, 2019
Do you actually believe that? LOL.
1 in 20 people are unvax’d. The data already exists. USE IT.
November 16th, 2019
Thank you Jane! Germany just mandated the measles vaccine. I am very upset.
RDR: Please message me
July 28th, 2019
January 27th, 2020
Here’s my question as someone who sits I the middle as during my service in the Armed forces I was given immunization such as anthrax, so why are we not forcing smallpox and anthrax as well as all other immunizations in our power? Who decides what you must put into your body because at one time they were talking about lithium in our water so where does the line end on what they can force you to do under the guise of “public safety”
Gary Finnegan
January 29th, 2020
Hi Justin, I’m not aware of countries where anthrax vaccines are routinely recommended. Perhaps you received it in the armed forces based on a perceived risk due to the work you were doing.
Nobody receives the smallpox vaccine these days. Thanks to vaccination, smallpox was officially eradicated by 1980.
June 6th, 2019
[…] that is that a raft of countries have either talked about making vaccinations mandatory or have made it mandatory. With the measles epidemic across Europe being a particularly strong factor. Now, these dolts […]
jane mariouw
July 6th, 2019
the WHO recommends 5 days of vit A plus fluids, food and rest for measles.
for the number one killer of children world wide( diarrhea), the WHO recommends making your own electrolyte water.
Gary Finnegan
July 8th, 2019
The WHO recommends two doses of measles vaccination to prevent measles.
July 18th, 2019
And the WHO is wrong about everything. What’s your point? The WHO literally make up millions of deaths caused by measles in sub-Saharan Africa (they don’t even have useful cause of death data in those countries) in order to make their vaccine programs look good.
The fact is that there is no observational evidence that anybody has ever died of measles in all of history. Doctors just decide to blame measles when somebody dies because it suits their narrative. But no doctor has ever actually observed a measles virus jump from one person to another and immediately cause illness and death.
What is more, most doctors won’t diagnose/test for measles if the patient is vaccinated so the apparent fall in measles cases since the vaccine is meaningless. Kids still get rashes but they just don’t get called measles – they get called roseola, 5th disease and hand foot and mouth.
September 14th, 2019
Hi Gary,
I see responding you responding to comments respectfully, and I thank you for that! My question after reading this article is, knowing the risks for vaccines as well as the benefits, do you believe that there are some vaccines that are not worth the risk in receiving. Per ingredients, are here some that may not be best for a one size fits all approach?
Gary Finnegan
September 16th, 2019
Thanks Samantha,
We can’t give specific medical advice – please ask your doctor.
I can tell you that I have had all vaccinations recommended for me, and that my own kids are fully vaccinated too. I must now remind my mother to have her flu vaccine 🙂
January 10th, 2020
Hi Gary,
Why do you think the databases that contain adverse effects of vaccines reported by users, (eg. CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink and WHO’s AEFI data) are not made easily available to 3rd parties and independent researchers? Wouldn’t making that data easily accessible, increase people’s confidence in vaccines?
Gary Finnegan
January 10th, 2020
Hi Sunny,
Fair question. The answer is that I don’t know. I didn’t realise the CDC/WHO would not work with academic researchers on this kind of topic – is that what you are suggesting? Are you an academic researcher?
Perhaps they don’t post it online for wider consumption but in that case there may be data privacy and research ethics concerns. There could also be concerns about how the data is represented, deliberately or otherwise, by people not qualified to interpret them. For example, the databases might contain reports of events rather than a list of events where the cause has been established.
Hope that helps.
January 10th, 2020
Hi Gary, I have a background in data and data science. I will soon need to decide on vaccination for our first child. So I have been researching literature for some time. Frankly, from all the documentation I have seen so far, the pro-vax narrative seems thinner in evidence than the anti-vax narrative. (It COULD be this is because the pro-vax group targets the average consumer who does not have the appetite to understand studies while anti-vax targets the market that is hungry for some kind of “intricate conspiracy theory”)
This particular web page was a refreshing change from other pro-vax pages which frankly sound like “canned commercials”. This web page is the first one I have come across, that has actually points to a response to one of the most common questions from the anti-vax groups : why has the government not conducted a long-term placebo study of vaxxed vs unvaxxed subjects.
The general attitude from most pro-vax groups and individuals toward anti-vax groups seems to one of condescension. They also make no attempt to actually address the questions posed, dismissing everything as “misinformation”. And then there is the non-willingness to provide data to researchers and even people in power (eg. ). I think that will only make consumers more paranoid. I have heard various anti-vax researchers state that CDC will not make its Vaccine Safetey Datalink database easily accessible, even to professional researchers. Here is what CDC’s website has to say about accessing VSD:
So I see that they make certain specific datasets available. But imo, that makes them appear even more fishy. In this day and age, information can easily be cleansed to remove personally-identifiable data.
I haven’t formally requested the CDC dataset myself. If they won’t give it to prominent leaders of the anti-vax movement, I don’t think they would give it to other researchers.
Overall, I think most people are vaccinating only because they still trust their pediatrician, they don’t have the time and/or inclination to research and they are too scared to do anything that is “not the norm”. But I think that will change.
I could go on and on and cite examples of specific studies that are leading a person like me to hesitate with vaccinating. But I am going to guess that is not the scope of this website?
Gary Finnegan
January 13th, 2020
Hi Sunny,
Thanks for your kind comments. I agree that respect should be the basis for these conversations. Unfortunately, plenty of people online prefer to trade insults or be condescending.
I would take issue with your suggestion that if the CDC wouldn’t give data to ‘prominent leaders of the anti-vax movement’ that they won’t give it to other researchers. I don’t have any connection to the CDC but my guess is that people known to be anti-vax activists have made up their mind and are not genuinely academic researchers. The statement on their site sound like they would be open to requests from accredited researchers. They probably wouldn’t hand it over to a health journalist like me(!), but perhaps scientists and doctors would be better placed if they had a clear research question to pursue.
You’re obviously well able to find and analyse data so I’m surprised you’ve come to the conclusion that you might opt out of vaccinating your child. You won’t be surprised to hear that I came to the opposite conclusion when it was time for my kids to have their vaccines. It seems to me that vaccines are necessary (witness the recent measles outbreaks when vaccination rates drop) and are a safe and effective way to stay healthy. My kids even had vaccines that are not on the schedule: chickenpox, which was not offered in all EU countries; and Meningitis B because it was not available when the older one was an infant. But I realise I might be exceptionally vigilant because I’ve read so many cases of people affected by vaccine-preventable diseases.
In any case, keep an open mind and talk to your paediatrician. If they are a good doctor I’m sure they would discuss your concerns and try to answer questions based on what you’ve found online. You don’t have to take their advice so it’s no harm to ask them to listen to you and to listen to what they have to say.
Good luck with your decision!
January 28th, 2020
“I’m surprised you’ve come to the conclusion that you might opt out of vaccinating your child. You won’t be surprised to hear that I came to the opposite conclusion … It seems to me that vaccines are necessary”
Sorry, but your answer does not seem good to dispel a doubtful person who is looking for knowledge. It seems rather a profession of faith!
April 16th, 2020
What happened in 1986 that led to the almost 5 fold increase in vaccine usage in the US?
Why aren’t the ingredients listed in the packaging of vaccine vials?
Why are legitimate questions dealt with using self righteous emotional terrorism?
Kristy Jensch
February 19th, 2020
Thank you, Sunny. Your comments are very helpful as we try to maintain our freedom of choice here in wisconsin. And to your point, I am not a conspiracy theorist but I think the numbers just don’t add up. I think there must be many vac’d kids getting flu’s here this year, compared to un-vac’d. I also see great numbers of neurological diseases: Parkinson’s, ALS, dementias, and how do those develop, particularly in people for whom there was no family history, but who have received vaccinations regularly. I’m not against perhaps making a considered decision depending on conditions. But I sure don’t want to be told I have to do it. And it infuriates me to watch vac’s given in great numbers to tiny bodies who have not even fully developed digestive systems yet. I understand that over 4.5 billion dollars has been spent since the ‘80’s, when legal liability was lifted from vaccine companies, for proven harms due to vaccines, thru an organization designed to payout for adverse reactions. (Name forgotten). There are other ways to stay safe. Homeopathics worked well during the 1918 flu when given to soldiers at Walter Reeed AMC. Herbals and Chinese medicine are effective. Understanding the mechanism of flu, the use of herbals to move and resolve the phlegm, perhaps to bring down fevers: those are my choices.
Gary Finnegan
February 20th, 2020
Best of luck with your choices Kristy.
For others reading this, please note there is no link between the conditions mentioned about and vaccination. None.
As for homeopathic remedies and herbal potions as a way to prevent or treat flu, there is no evidence at all that this works. It’s bad advice. Get medical advice from a qualified doctor.
There was no flu vaccine during the 1918 flu vaccine – which is why it killed more people than the two World Wars combined. All the herbs in the world did not help.
January 13th, 2020
I have a child with Autism, and have worked at a funeral home, one of the saddest days was a Mom sobbing on how she was going to afford the funeral and medical bills. Her husband was in the hospital, not working because of measles. Her 10 month old dead because of measels. Does everyone die because of this disease, no. But why should you be allowed to risk the lives of your loved ones and others for a preventable disease? I personally believe if you are terrified of Austim more than possible death, remove your child from society until about five, and then vaccinate your child.
Gary Finnegan
January 14th, 2020
Thanks for they Rey.
We should repeat that vaccines don’t cause autism, but your point is still well made.
January 16th, 2020
Gary, Thanks. Regarding measles, have you come across any scientific published studies which measure the measles immunity (titres) of adults (ideally adults over age 30) who received their last adult MMR dose 10 years prior? I can’t find any
Gary Finnegan
January 17th, 2020
Hi Sunny, measles immunity seems to be very long – up to 200 years (although nobody has lived to 200 years!)
If you’ve had two doses of the measles vaccine, or if you’ve had measles, you are very likely to be immune.
January 17th, 2020
Wouldn’t this study delight the anti-vaccination narrative?
Here is what it reads towards the end:
“On average, subjects were 52 years of age at the conclusion of the study, and most had contracted natural measles, mumps, or rubella infections during childhood. It is unknown whether vaccine-induced immunity is as long-lived as that induced by natural infection.”
What would help for parents is to have a study that follows *vaccinated* adults for a decade or two after their last MMR.
January 17th, 2020
Here is a few that I found since my last comment. They track the existence of immunity in adults who were given 1 or 2 doses as kids. Not exactly what I was hoping to find but still good. If you come across studies which checking for waning immunity after adult vaccination, let me know. In the meanwhile, I shall read through these:
February 23rd, 2020
[…] Europe, the real power of a mandate has not been found in coercing reluctant parents to vaccinate children against their will; but in sending a signal to the wider, ignorant, population that vaccination is a vital part of […]