We are delighted to announce that Vaccines Today has been awarded Health On the Net (HON) certification.
The logo, proudly displayed on the right-hand side of your screen, represents our commitment to continuing to deliver the highest standards of health information and to engage with the public in an ethical and transparent way.
The Health On the Net Foundation (HON) is a non-profit NGO, accredited to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. It is funded by the canton of Geneva, several EU projects, the French National Health Authority and the Provisu Foundation. It is also supported by the Geneva Hospital in Switzerland.
HON was established 15 years ago to help improve the quality of online health information, as well as guaranteeing transparency and the highest ethical standards of health websites. Only after careful scrutiny and fulfilling specific requirements can a website be HON certified. Its logo can be found on some of the most prestigious consumer health websites in the world, such as WebMD and MedicineNet.
Vaccines Today has been online for just 12 months and in that short time has qualified to add the HON logo to our site. This further confirms our ongoing commitment to quality and transparency for the years ahead.
Read more about the HON Code and its 8 Principles
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Danny Darche (@DannyDarche) (@DannyDarche)
April 2nd, 2012
Vaccines Today – ‘Quality and trustworthy health information’ http://t.co/ThockyTI via @vaccinestoday Have a look and spread the link thxs