We seek to generate an open, transparent, honest and balanced debate on this site, aimed at helping the general public and the stakeholders to better understand the issues surrounding vaccines and vaccination
Different stakeholders should be able to voice their views: in fact we strongly urge all experts to contribute
Opinions/Arguments should be fact based: speculation or emotional pleas will not be posted. Please provide sources for any health/medical information submitted as a comment, other than personal experience or general knowledge. All statements about statistics, data, studies and new advancement in medicine should have trustworthy sources. The site will be prohibited from posting or transmitting any unlawful, promotional, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law
Admit and correct mistakes: if something we have produced and posted (not originated by third parties) is proven to be factually incorrect we will admit it and correct it.
Moderation policy
Comments will be moderated and third party contributions will not appear until they have been approved. Moderation is done by the Editor (a professional journalist), supported by the Editorial Board when needed. Therefore, comments will not appear immediately. Comments cannot be modified or deleted by users once they have been submitted for moderation or have been published. Offensive comments will not be posted. Platform users must only post information that is true and correct to their best knowledge. Please be aware that anything you post in the comments section may be visible to the public, provided it has been approved by the moderator.
VaccinesToday.eu aims to relay a diverse range of views and is not responsible for opinions expressed by contributors.
Funding and sponsorship
The site is sponsored by Vaccines Europe and managed by an Editor
The Editor consults an advisory Board composed of representatives of Vaccines Europe members companies, a patient representative and two independent medical doctors, on topics that might be relevant to the portal. As part of our rigorous quality control system, articles are circulated to the advisory board in advance of publication.
The portal does not refer to specific products or companies and is bound by strict promotional rules. Our website does not host any form of advertisement.
Vaccines Today is not in a position to manage potential reports on Adverse Events but the information will be communicated to the concerned manufacturer(s)
Conflicts of interest and sponsorship policy
Vaccines Today is funded solely by Vaccines Europe. This covers editorial, production and hosting costs. No advertising of any kind is accepted. The site addresses issues relating to vaccination but does not discuss individual vaccines or medical products.
External contributors are not paid. The credentials and affiliations of contributors are detailed on our Contributors page. Any potential conflict of interest which could conceivable be perceived as affecting their objectivity is stated.