Last modified

December 3, 2021 @ 14:42 PM

Much is written in the news about the safety, cost, necessity and effectiveness of vaccines. More often than not, the focus of these articles is on isolated instances, public perception, and misinformation – very rarely is it possible to find the facts about the benefits of different types of vaccine and their various benefits in one place. With this site we intend to correct that.

The benefits of vaccines are manifold. As well as directly helping to fight against certain diseases, they can lead to cost savings for medical organizations. The success stories are always fuelled by dedicated, exhaustive, and frequently groundbreaking R&D.

We answer your frequently asked questions about the most pressing issues surrounding vaccination. If you have think we should include additional information, let us know.


Are vaccines proven to work?


What do vaccines do for me?


Are vaccines proven to work?


What do vaccines do for me?


Why do so many people get vaccinated?


Have the pathogens which cause disease been proven to exist?


Why do so many people get vaccinated?


Have the pathogens which cause disease been proven to exist?


If vaccines confer long-term protection, why do they have to be constantly repeated?


Why is it that some people still get sick even though they have been vaccinated?


If vaccines confer long-term protection, why do they have to be constantly repeated?


Why is it that some people still get sick even though they have been vaccinated?


Does giving vaccinations “too early” in life put children at unnecessary risk?


Can giving several vaccines overwhelm a child’s immune system?


Does giving vaccinations “too early” in life put children at unnecessary risk?


Can giving several vaccines overwhelm a child’s immune system?


Do vaccinations cause the diseases they are designed to prevent?


Why do some vaccines require boosters?


Do vaccinations cause the diseases they are designed to prevent?


Why do some vaccines require boosters?


Are vaccines safe and effective?


Do immunisations cause allergies?


Are vaccines safe and effective?


Do immunisations cause allergies?


Do vaccinations contain toxic chemicals which poison children?


Can contamination occur during the production of vaccines which leads to diseases such as BSE and AIDS?


Do vaccinations contain toxic chemicals which poison children?


Can contamination occur during the production of vaccines which leads to diseases such as BSE and AIDS?


Do vaccines cause autism?


Isn’t it normal for children to naturally fight off infectious diseases? Wouldn’t this actually provide better protection than vaccination?


Do vaccines cause autism?


Isn’t it normal for children to naturally fight off infectious diseases? Wouldn’t this actually provide better protection than vaccination?


Most adults fought off infectious diseases – like measles and mumps – when they were kids, and it never did them any harm. Why not let nature take its course?


Babies receive antibodies with breast milk. Why do they need vaccines if they already get this natural protection?


Most adults fought off infectious diseases – like measles and mumps – when they were kids, and it never did them any harm. Why not let nature take its course?


Babies receive antibodies with breast milk. Why do they need vaccines if they already get this natural protection?


Do women who have themselves fought off an infectious disease supply their newborn children with stronger defences against infection than vaccinated mothers?


Why do some doctors advise against immunisation?


Do women who have themselves fought off an infectious disease supply their newborn children with stronger defences against infection than vaccinated mothers?


Why do some doctors advise against immunisation?


Why bother vaccinating against diseases which are no longer seen in Europe?


Is immunisation really necessary given that most diseases are now treatable?


Why bother vaccinating against diseases which are no longer seen in Europe?


Is immunisation really necessary given that most diseases are now treatable?


Hasn’t the burden of disease fallen thanks to improved hygiene and nutrition rather than immunisation?


Isn’t the pharmaceutical industry just out to make money?


Hasn’t the burden of disease fallen thanks to improved hygiene and nutrition rather than immunisation?


Isn’t the pharmaceutical industry just out to make money?