44 deaths

Editorial Team

Editorial Team

October 26th, 2017

Editorial Team

‘44 people have died from measles in Europe since 2016. That’s equivalent to the starting 11 of four football teams. Gone. Killed by a vaccine-preventable disease. ’

In Romania, Italy and Germany, the tragic trend continues: Data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) show that from January 2016 to October 2017, nearly 19,000 measles cases were reported in the EU. Of these, 44 people are dead.

The vast majority of cases over the past 12 months (87%) were unvaccinated. Some of those who died were too young or too sick to be vaccinated; some had opted out of vaccination (or their parents opted out); and some had received the vaccine but still caught the virus.

Read: Why do some vaccinated kids still get sick?

The highest number of cases in 2017 were reported in Romania (7,570), Italy (4,617) and Germany (891). ‘The spread of measles across Europe is due to suboptimal vaccination coverage in many EU/EEA countries,’ the ECDC said.

The latest available figures on vaccination coverage collected by WHO show that the vaccination coverage for the first dose of measles was below 95% in 18 of 30 EU/EEA countries; for the second dose of measles, it was below 95% in 20 of 27 EU/EEA countries reporting second dose coverage data.

Measles cases country vaccine coverage october 2017

Adolescents and young adults at risk

Measles increasingly affects all age groups across Europe. In 2016, 25.5% of measles cases were above 20 years of age; in 2017, this percentage increased to 47%.

The three countries most affected by measles over 2016 and the first half of 2017 show different trends: Romania saw a sharp increase in cases from October 2016, and the trend continues in 2017; in Italy, the increasing trend started in January 2017, while in Germany it began in February 2017. 

Europe is working to eliminate measles and rubella. Many countries have interrupted endemic transmission of these diseases but the region is still a long way from becoming measles free.


  1. Gasston Montand

    Gasston Montand

    November 25th, 2018

    Statistics are an unreliable exercise, unless the vaccinated and un-vaccinated are kept separately in confinement for a number of years, which is not yet possible, though the New World Order may make it so. When un-vaccinated children die from, say, measles, it is more likely reported, than the thousands of un-vaccinated who recover in a few days, without problems. The greatest challenge in vaccine research is the mutation of viruses. This can happen even during their short period of testing. Then how is it possible for a vaccine designed for a certain virus to protect against viruses, which behave completely differently years later?. At the same time the finance people of a company are stressing the researchers to produce. That vaccines interfere with the body’s wide spectrum immune system is largely ignored. But let us call a spade a shovel. The ultimate aim of the Illuminati is to reduce the world’ population by making people infertile, but the system has not yet been perfected, added to it, that people in different parts of the world with different DNAs react differently to various vaccines. It is also much easier to line up kids in a US or European schools than Maasai kids in the African wilderness. Sending out some doctors or nurses to catch them in the bush, may end up in a few arrows in their backsides.