Do you understand the flu?

Editorial Team

Editorial Team

February 1st, 2012

Editorial Team

‘What causes the flu? ’

FluHow is it different from the common cold? What exactly is an influenza pandemic and how is this connected to annual seasonal flu outbreaks?

European flu experts have come together to answer all of these questions and more through a new documentary on influenza. The European Scientific Working group on Influenza (ESWI), a group of scientists who aim to combat the impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza, is hoping its new film will dispel some of the myths and misunderstandings that surround the flu.

The movie has been widely spread across the web and may even find its way onto European television channels as part of efforts by scientists to provide the public with balanced, accurate information on influenza.

Take a look at ESWI’s video and let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Eswi influenza documentary from Bart Pollet on Vimeo.


  1. Timur


    March 2nd, 2012

    Catherine,Now is the time to get a flu shot. The pcioertotn from the yearly flu shot lasts at least 7-9 months for children after flu shots so as the season for influenza is late fall through March/April, now is a time to get shots for the 2011-12 season.This year it is earlier than usual! We had flu shot avail in my clinic earlier than ever before. I’ve been immunizing my pediatric patients for over 2 weeks already. Getting a flu shot now and from here forward will do a great job protecting your child and your family for the 2011-2012. Most clinics have peds flu shots now but it is certainly okay to get them in October. Seattle Children’s has them for patients (ever been seen at SCH) and their siblings so you can get them here as well. Most peds offices are already getting their peds flu doses this season so I recommend you call your child’s office.VN:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait…